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Anxiety Inducing Manga List

Purple Star emoji 7 items
Best horror manga, to keep you awake and anxious.

Junji Ito

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"Uzumaki" by Junji Ito is a chilling and surreal horror manga that delves into the psychological and supernatural terror surrounding a small town plagued by spirals. The story follows the inhabitants of Kurôzu-cho as they become increasingly obsessed...
Junji Ito : Uzumaki
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"Collection" by Junji Ito is a compilation of his short horror stories, showcasing the breadth and depth of his storytelling prowess within the genre. Each tale offers a unique and unsettling glimpse into the macabre world of Ito's imagination, explo...
Junji Ito: Collection
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"Tomie" by Junji Ito is a horror manga series that centers around the titular character, Tomie, a beautiful and enigmatic young woman who possesses the ability to regenerate endlessly, even after death. The series explores the curse of Tomie as she m...
Junji Ito : Tomie

Nakayama Maasaki

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"Fuan no Tane" is a horror manga series written and illustrated by Masaaki Nakayama. Translated as "Seeds of Anxiety" or "Seeds of Fear," it is comprised of short, standalone stories that explore various urban legends, supernatural occurrences, and u...
Nakayama Maasaki : Fuan no Tane
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"Fuan no Tane Plus" is a sequel to the original horror manga series "Fuan no Tane" by Masaaki Nakayama. Like its predecessor, "Fuan no Tane Plus" consists of short, standalone stories that delve into various urban legends, eerie occurrences, and supe...
Nakayama Maasaki : Fuan no Tane Plus

Kazuo Umezu

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"The Drifting Classroom" is a horror manga series created by Kazuo Umezu. It follows the story of a Japanese elementary school, which suddenly finds itself transported to a nightmarish wasteland filled with deadly creatures and hostile environments. ...
The Drifting Classroom

Shō Makura

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"Jigoku Sensei Nube" (Hell Teacher Nube) is a supernatural manga series written Shō Makura and illustrated by Takeshi Okano.. The story follows Meisuke "Nube" Nueno, a high school teacher with a mysterious past and extraordinary abilities. Nube becom...
Jigoku Sensei Nube